


  • “fixed mindset”

    • the belief that your abilities are fixed and that the world is just a series of tests that show you how good you are
    • success comes from proving how great you are.
    • feel smart when they don't make mistakes
    • try to blame the world when things go bad
    • be afraid to try hard
  • "growth mindset"

    • the belief that everything come through effort and that the world is full of interesting challenges that can help you learn and grow
    • success comes from growing
    • feel smart when they struggle with something for a long time and then finally figure it out
    • look to see what they can change about themselves
    • be afraid of not trying
  • this difference between these mindsets appear in all sorts of places - in relationships, CEO and even in sports.

  • your mindset itself can be changed

    • the first step to getting better is believing you can get better
  • Rubyでクラスメソッドの定義

    • self
  • mapメソッド

    • ブロックの戻り値が新しい配列の各要素になる